Employee identification at data capture stations.
Enrollment reader for proximity ID card and tags.
Logon security: Use proximity card as password in a One- or Two-factor authentication system
Badge verification station to check that programmed cards are accurate prior to deployment
General identification: Any software application requiring the identification of users
As an enrollment reader
The open architecture design means universal support for existing proximity cards and unlimited future expansion. pcProx is designed to operate quickly and effectively in conditions where large numbers of badges need to be produced and printed. By not requiring an operator to key in every piece of information when badges are created, large numbers of employees can be quickly processed.
100% compatible with installed base of proximity cards. Employees use a single badge for building access and identification. Eliminates errors associated with individual identification. Configuration application included with each reader. Configuration mode allows user to select bits to include/exclude. Support for Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP Support for Citrix, Wyse etc.. Increases productivity. No software required. No serial port required. No maintenance. Other pcProx models are available for a variety of keyboard wedge devices from manufacturers such as Symbol, Percon, AMI, etc.
The Configuration Application is very powerful but simple to operate. Simply specify the facility and ID codesto send from the employee proximity badge. Then add a Tab, carriage return or line feed after the number so the entry advances to the next field on the screen of your software, and away you go! You can define templates for different configurations to further improve your productivity.